Friday, May 25, 2018

Water bills for average WA household should be lower, WA watchdog says

Western Australia's three State Government-owned water utilities are charging more for water than it costs them to provide, a report has found — and it has recommended changes that could save the average household $400 a year.
An Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) inquiry has found the Water Corporation, Aqwest and Busselton Water were all recovering significantly more revenue than they were spending on supplying water services, including wastewater and drainage.

The ERA said as a result, the State Government was set to receive $338.4 million more in revenue from Perth customers alone.

The watchdog has recommended changes to the way bills are structured.

Under the changes, the fixed service charge would be cut and, in turn, the per unit price for water would increase to $2.41 per kilolitre, in an attempt to encourage smarter use.

But it would also mean households that use a lot of water would face higher bills.

Give people incentive to save water: scientist

Environmental scientist and gardening presenter Josh Byrne has long been arguing for such a change.

He and his family live in one of Perth's most water-wise homes.

They have a rainwater tank, collect greywater to use on their garden and share a bore with another house on their block.

As a result, they use about 90 per cent less mains water than the average WA household and, for most of the year, they only pay the service fee on their water bill.

Dr Byrne said if West Australians were charged more based on consumption, it would drive residents to use water more responsibly and would also serve as an incentive for people to invest in water-saving technology in their homes.

"I think what we need to look at is how else can we value the role of these technologies," he said.

"There's probably an argument to rethink the service charge component of bills for those people that are taking the strain off the infrastructure."

But UWA water expert Anas Ghadouani was not convinced that was the best approach.

"People have tried it in other places with fairly mixed reviews," he said.

"Maybe it will even send the wrong message — 'if you can pay it, you can use it' — which is not necessarily what we want."

In July, the Government increased water services charges by 6 per cent, with a further 6 per cent increase to be imposed in 2018-19 and increases of 2.5 per cent each year thereafter.

Treasurer Ben Wyatt said more work needed to be done before any changes to tariffs could be made.

"The Government would, for example, be keen to see the distributional consequences of any proposals," Mr Wyatt said.

"The ERA's recommendations will be considered as part of the 2018-19 budget process."

Earlier this year, a Monash University study concluded that Perth residents used twice as much water per capita as those in Melbourne and Brisbane — but the Water Corporation disputed some of the findings.

Read more: Original Article

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